Jade Empire Modding Wiki
This page was created by Coesbot. It still needs additional comments, examples, links, etc.
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// Get the owner for the current conversation on the player
object GetPlayer();;

int GetGold(object oTarget=OBJECT_SELF); int GetInCutsceneMode(); int GetIsInCombat(); int GetIsInConversation(object oObject); int GetIsPC(object oCreature); object GetPlayer(); object GetPlayerConversationOwner(); object GetPlayerCreatureCombatTarget(); int GetPlayerSeenByObject(object oSource=OBJECT_SELF); int GetXP(); void GiveGoldToPlayer(int nGP, int bShowFloaty=TRUE); void GiveXPToPlayer(int nXpAmount); void SetXP(int nXpAmount); void TakeGoldFromPlayer(int nAmount);
